
Giorgos Somarakis

Giorgos Somarakis

Postdoctoral Fellow | Urban Sustainability & Resilience Planning

Giorgos Somarakis is a Research Fellow at the Remote Sensing Lab of FORTH. He is Planning and Regional Development Engineer (Diploma from the University of Thessaly) and holds a PhD from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). His main research interests include spatial planning, sustainable development and resilience, climate change adaptation and mitigation, geographic information systems, decision support systems and participatory decision making. He has participated in international (EU or EEA funded) and national research and development projects and is member of national scientific and professional associations. Also, he has published his work in several scientific books, journals and conference proceedings and has edited and reviewed various scientific publications.

Contact Information

  somarage AT iacm DOT forth DOT gr
  +30 2810-391-792

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